This blogging experience so far has been great! I love having the ability to create such an easy blog! Style and presentation are a must for me so it’s great that this site allows you to have numerous options for changing the layout, font, color, and background images.
I have had some prior experience with creating posts in the past. I tried a website once called Wall Wisher where students could post sticky notes on a page responding to a prompt I would give them. While students liked posting, there was no way for them (or myself) to change the layouts or fonts. When the page would refresh all the sticky notes would overlap and you had to spend several minutes sorting them. There was also no way to control the kinds of posts kids were putting up. I could set it to email me and approve each post, but I didn’t want to have to do that each time. I’m hoping this blog site has more options available.
I love to play around with gadgets and add them to my page. Our gmail account also has a program called ‘sites’ that allows me to have my own webpage. One of the features of the webpage is to be able to add gadgets. I love the countdown feature which shows kids a daily countdown until an event.